Thursday, 7 October 2010

07/10/10 - Waitrose Induction

This evening I had my induction for Waitrose.  I was with one other person who I had met once while I was waiting to have my second interview.  Firstly we were both give our Waitrose uniform which we were to change into before we did anything else.  My uniform consists of a white shirt, a green tie, a knee length skirt, an apron and a hat (as I am going to be working on the counters).  Once dressed, together we were shown around the whole store.  Important things like fire doors and safety were pointed out.  There was a lot of information to take in.  We were able to ask questions and had them answered to us.  In our break we began talking to other partners, I met Carla, she works on the counters and will be the person who will train me.  We then had to complete our legal training which was fire safety and health and safety.  This was done on the computers and consisted of watching videos and answering questions.  Once you had answered all questions correctly you had then passed the training for this year.  Every year I will have to refresh this training.  This was only a small part of my training and will have to complete more at a later date.  We didn't finish until late but I arrived home full of enthusiasm.  I will be starting next week, Thursday 14 October, for my evening shift and from then every Saturday and Thursday.  I am excited to be starting something new.


  1. Are you still working with them?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, I recently was told I got a job at my local Waitrose! I was just wondering, do they phone you or contact you about when and what time your induction is or do you find out yourself on the PartnerLink?
