My interest in Midwifery has always been strong. Today however it has increased a whole lot more. The school had organised a trip for other prospective midwives and I to go to Bournemouth University to learn more about the job through it's taster day. I was really excited. This has been my first visit to a University and already I am getting excited about applying. We were met by a lecturer who talked to us about the course. We watched a video about the role of a midwife and I took particular interest in a woman's water birth. I remember feeling surprised and saddened and a little insulted by the horrified and disgusted reactions of some of the people around me, how can birth be disgusting, yes it is messy and there is a lot of screaming but it is beautiful experience. It is a miracle.
My favourite part however was when they brought out their lifelike model teaching equipment. They had a model of the lower half a woman. This included her abdomen, legs that had been cut at the thigh and of course, the vagina. This was their delivering model. The lecturer asked for volunteers in participating in delivering a baby through the model. I was warned that it hadn't been used in a while and wasn't well lubricated. The lecturer inserted the model baby into the abdomen and pushed the baby's head down into the vagina. I supported the head as by placing my hand over it as it moved down through the vagina and as it began to crown. Once the head was born I was instructed to place my palms on either side of the baby's head, just below the ear and gently guiding the head down. As more of the baby emerged I was instructed to guide it upwards and eventually it was born. The model baby required a lot of force to make it through and I appreciate the hard work the woman has to go through during labour. Once the baby was born it was very hard to grip. I was worried that I would not be able to keep my grip onto it. I was assured that no matter the circumstance, I would never drop a baby, and I never intend to! The day has been exciting and interesting and have gained a lot more knowledge about Midwifery courses and the job of a midwife.
I was most interested in the Midwifery talks however the university also invited us to sit in on other presentations, in health and social care and the range of nursing courses.
My favourite part however was when they brought out their lifelike model teaching equipment. They had a model of the lower half a woman. This included her abdomen, legs that had been cut at the thigh and of course, the vagina. This was their delivering model. The lecturer asked for volunteers in participating in delivering a baby through the model. I was warned that it hadn't been used in a while and wasn't well lubricated. The lecturer inserted the model baby into the abdomen and pushed the baby's head down into the vagina. I supported the head as by placing my hand over it as it moved down through the vagina and as it began to crown. Once the head was born I was instructed to place my palms on either side of the baby's head, just below the ear and gently guiding the head down. As more of the baby emerged I was instructed to guide it upwards and eventually it was born. The model baby required a lot of force to make it through and I appreciate the hard work the woman has to go through during labour. Once the baby was born it was very hard to grip. I was worried that I would not be able to keep my grip onto it. I was assured that no matter the circumstance, I would never drop a baby, and I never intend to! The day has been exciting and interesting and have gained a lot more knowledge about Midwifery courses and the job of a midwife.
I was most interested in the Midwifery talks however the university also invited us to sit in on other presentations, in health and social care and the range of nursing courses.